Chkflix Comprehensive Subscription Agreement

  1. Preamble:

1.1 Binding Agreement: This Subscription Agreement (“Agreement”) is a legally binding contract between the user, hereinafter referred to as “Subscriber” or “Member,” and Chkflix, collectively referred to as “Service Provider.” This Agreement governs the terms and conditions under which the Subscriber accesses and utilizes the Chkflix subscription service, herein referred to as “the Service.” 

  1. Subscription Plans:

2.1 Plan Selection: The Subscriber may choose from various subscription plans offered by Chkflix, each delineating distinct features, functionalities, and associated costs. The specifics of the selected plan are detailed at the time of subscription initiation. 

2.2 Modification of Plans: Chkflix reserves the right to modify, augment, or discontinue subscription plans, providing reasonable notice to Subscribers. Any modifications shall not affect the terms of existing subscriptions until the conclusion of the current billing period. 

  1. Billing and Payments:

3.1 Payment Authorization: The Subscriber agrees to permit Chkflix to charge the designated Payment Method for the agreed-upon subscription fees and any additional charges incurred during the use of the Service. The Payment Method may include, but is not limited to, credit cards, debit cards, or other valid payment mechanisms. 

3.2 Billing Cycle: Subscription fees, taxes, and any applicable transaction fees will be charged to the Payment Method at intervals determined by the chosen subscription plan. The length of the billing cycle is contingent upon the selected plan at the time of subscription initiation. 

3.3 Payment Failure: In the event of a failed payment, Chkflix may suspend Service access until a valid Payment Method is successfully charged. Subscribers remain responsible for any outstanding amounts and potential charges levied by the Payment Method issuer. 

3.4 Payment Method Updates: Subscribers have the option to update their Payment Method through the “Account” page. Chkflix may also update Payment Methods using information provided by payment service providers, with ongoing authorization from the Subscriber for such transactions. 

  1. Subscription Termination:

4.1 Cancellation Process: Subscribers may cancel their Chkflix subscription at any time, ensuring continued access to the Service until the end of the current billing period. Cancellation instructions are available on the “Account” page. Subscribers using a third-party Payment Method must follow the cancellation procedures specified by that third party. 

4.2 Automatic Closure: Upon subscription cancellation, the Subscriber’s account will automatically close at the conclusion of the ongoing billing period. Details regarding the account closure date can be accessed through the “Billing details” on the “Account” page. 

  1. Changes to Terms:

5.1 Amendments and Notifications: Chkflix reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time. Such amendments will take immediate effect, with existing Subscribers notified at least 30 days in advance, unless otherwise stated. Continued use of the Service post-notification implies acceptance of the revised terms. 

  1. No Refunds:

6.1 Nonrefundable Payments: Payments made by Subscribers are nonrefundable, and no reimbursements or credits are provided for partially used subscription periods. Service access remains available until the conclusion of the current billing period post-cancellation. 

  1. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:

7.1 Legal Jurisdiction: This Agreement is governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles. 

7.2 Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration, adhering to the dispute resolution mechanisms outlined in the separate arbitration agreement and class action waiver. 

  1. Entire Agreement:

8.1 Comprehensive Understanding: This Subscription Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Subscriber and Chkflix, superseding any prior agreements or representations. Subscribers are encouraged to periodically review this Agreement for updates. 

By engaging in the Chkflix subscription service, the Subscriber affirms their understanding of and consent to the terms and conditions outlined in this comprehensive Subscription Agreement. 

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